
What’s Up with Those Roof Stains?

What’s Up with Those Roof Stains?

Have you ever looked up at a roof and noticed those spooky black stains? We bet you’ve seen them before- big, dark, gross, streaky-looking stains that seem to slide down the sides of the shingles.
Many people who notice these stains on their own roofs want to know what’s up. Oftentimes, these stains are mistaken for dirt, and folks want to know just exactly how that much dirt got up there in the first place. If you don’t know what those roof stains are, we’re here to clue you in – and let you know what you can do to take care of them.


Not entirely. Some of these substances, like dirt, dust, and pollen, are fairly innocuous on their own. They might contribute to minimal staining and dull the color of your roof over-all, but they won’t harm your roof. The trouble is with the organic growth behind the bulk of those stains- and its usually black algae.


Black algae, or Gloeocapsa magma as it’s officially known, is a very common type of algae that can be found growing in many areas. As long as an area gets enough sunlight, warmth, and a little bit of moisture, all of which your roof provides plenty of, the algae with thrive. Not only is it pretty gross on any surface, and can make for some nasty stains, but it’s an active hazard on your roof!

The reason why? Well, algae (as well as lichen, which forms when algae comes into contact with fungi spores) eats through limestone with mild acids, and your shingles have a lot of limestone in them. Algae-damaged shingles become brittle and can easily break away or fall off, leaving your roof exposed to the elements and at risk for leaks and other damage!


Your first instinct is probably to clean your roof, and that’s a good idea- but be careful! First off, roof cleaning has its risks. Falls from ladders and roofs put thousands of people in the hospital every year, and not all those people come back out. No roof is worth putting your health and safety at risk! Furthermore, your roof itself can be damaged with improper cleaning techniques. Scrubbing too aggressively or using high pressure will break your shingles rather than cleaning them. Often a DIY roof cleaner will try to wash their home’s roof only to end up with a bigger mess than they started with.
Don’t take chances with your roof! TRC Pressure Washing will take care of your roof with our safe, expert roof cleaning. Instead of high-powered pressure washing, we use a low-pressure soft washing technique that exposes algae and other invasive growths to an antimicrobial detergent that kills them and their spores. Our technicians carefully rinse and clean away grime until it is all gone, and your roof is safe. If you’d like our roof cleaning help, give us a call at 936-209-1309 today.
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Kyle Ginsel

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