Keeping your backyard in beautiful condition year-round gets a little easier when you let TRC Pressure Washing handle your deck & fence washing needs. Your deck and fence are both exposed to all kinds of organic growth and stains, and eventually, this mess will start to take its toll. Deck & fence washing is especially important for wooden fences and decks, as without proper maintenance these surfaces will start to decay! One of the best ways to keep your backyard welcoming and beautiful is by ensuring that any outdoor features around it are kept in shape with proper cleaning and maintenance.
As a trusted pressure washing team, we take great pride in our rejuvenating services. Our washing will remove organic stains, clean away dirt and debris, eliminate mold and algae spores, and help extend the longevity of your fence and deck. Let us curate a comfortable environment for your backyard with our expert cleaning today!
As a trusted pressure washing team, we take great pride in our rejuvenating services. Our washing will remove organic stains, clean away dirt and debris, eliminate mold and algae spores, and help extend the longevity of your fence and deck. Let us curate a comfortable environment for your backyard with our expert cleaning today!

Every time the rain drops off mold spores and kicks up dirt, every time a lawn mower launches yard clippings into the air, every time a bird decides to take a bathroom break over your yard, your fence gets a little messier. Over the course of a year or two, your fence can go from spotless to splotchy!
Nobody wants to have a messy fence, especially when that mess could result in permanent stains and damage. We take great pride in giving residents a swift and safe fence cleaning for their home’s backyard. We mindfully clean your fence, maintaining a safe work environment by using biodegradable detergents that are safe for your backyard and landscaping, helping you maintain a healthy lawn!
Nobody wants to have a messy fence, especially when that mess could result in permanent stains and damage. We take great pride in giving residents a swift and safe fence cleaning for their home’s backyard. We mindfully clean your fence, maintaining a safe work environment by using biodegradable detergents that are safe for your backyard and landscaping, helping you maintain a healthy lawn!
A deck can be a wonderful, welcoming feature to have in your backyard. The problem with decks, however, is that they seem to be particularly good at growing slippery, slimy mold and algae, especially when they go a long time between washings. Not only do they make your deck slippery and gross, as well as speed up its decay, but they also negatively affect the air quality around them- not ideal for what should be a relaxing hangout spot.
Take care of your deck with regular washing, sealing, and maintenance, and it’ll take care of you by being a cozy outdoor getaway spot anytime you need it. Our deck washing service is efficient, eco-friendly, and designed to free your deck from the scourge of algae, mold, and other nuisances.
Don’t have a deck, but have a similar feature such as a patio or porch? Cleaning hardscaping is a bit different than cleaning wood or composite surfaces, but that’s why we offer patio cleaning as well! No matter if you have a deck, porch, or patio, with our services, we’ll make them stand out!
Take care of your deck with regular washing, sealing, and maintenance, and it’ll take care of you by being a cozy outdoor getaway spot anytime you need it. Our deck washing service is efficient, eco-friendly, and designed to free your deck from the scourge of algae, mold, and other nuisances.
Don’t have a deck, but have a similar feature such as a patio or porch? Cleaning hardscaping is a bit different than cleaning wood or composite surfaces, but that’s why we offer patio cleaning as well! No matter if you have a deck, porch, or patio, with our services, we’ll make them stand out!
Any area prone to bacteria, algae, or mold growth benefits from the occasional cleaning, especially if it’s a high-traffic area. That’s one reason why roof cleaning, for example, is important for so much more than aesthetic reasons. Though commonly overlooked, decks and fences are large surfaces that hold a substantial amount of organic matter Getting rid of these problematic microorganisms keeps your property safe from premature deterioration and reduces health hazards around the home. If allergies have been driving you crazy lately, and your home looks like it could use a wash, ask us about our house washing service today!